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Date/Time: 6 December 2016, 10:00am - 06:00pm
Venue: Ballroom G+J (Experience Hall), Level 3
Location: The Venetian Macao

Title: Emotion Hacking VR (EH-VR): Amplifying Scary VR Experience by Accelerating Real Heart Rate Using False Vibrotactile Biofeedback
Booth Number: et_0026

Summary: Emotion hacking virtual reality (EH-VR) system is an interactive system that hacks one's heartbeat and controls it to accelerate scary VR experience. The EH-VR system provides vibrotactile biofeedback, which resembles a heartbeat, from the floor. The system determines false heartbeat frequency by detecting user's heart rate in real time and calculates false heart rate, which is faster than the one observed according to the quadric equation model. With the system, we demonstrate "Pressure of unknown" which is a CG VR space originally created to express the metaphor of scare. A user experiences this space by using a wheel chair as a controller to walk through a VR world displayed via HMD while receiving vibrotactile feedback of false heartbeat calculated from its own heart rate from the floor.

Ryoko Ueoka, Kyushu University
Ali AlMutawa, Kyushu University
Hikaru Katsuki, Kyushu University