Full Conference
Full Conference 1-Day
Basic Conference
At SIGGRAPH Asia, the Keynote sessions will offer insights to ground-breaking areas in the field of computer graphics and interactive techniques. The Keynote speakers could be pioneers in a respective field or a trend-setter within the industry.

Title: Achieving Photoreal Virtual Humans in Movies, Games, and Virtual Reality
Speaker: Paul Debevec
Date/Time: 6 December 2016, 11:00am - 12:45pm
Venue: Ballroom H, Level 3
Location: The Venetian Macao

Title: VR Capture: Designing and Building an Open Source 3D-360 Video Camera
Speaker: Brian Cabral
Date/Time: 7 December 2016, 11:00am - 12:45pm
Venue: Ballroom H, Level 3
Location: The Venetian Macao