Full Conference
Full Conference 1-Day
Basic Conference
Exhibits Plus
Date/Time: 6 December 2016, 10:00am - 06:00pm
Venue: Ballroom G+J (Experience Hall), Level 3
Location: The Venetian Macao

Title: Stylus Assistant: Designing Dynamic Constraints for Facilitating Stylus Inputs on Portable Displays
Booth Number: et_0055
Summary: This work proposes two types of actuator arrays — DynaFrame and DynaBase — to realize dynamic physical constraints on portable displays for facilitating stylus input such as writing, sketching, and playing. Both these dynamic constraint systems not only facilitate stylus interactions effectively without introducing substantial occlusion on a portable display, but also maintain display platform portability. The demonstrated techniques entail the use of a capacitive touchscreen and capacitive stylus; therefore, they can also work with finger touch.
Long-Fei Lin, National Taiwan University
Shan-Yuan Teng, National Taiwan University
Rong-Hao Liang, National Taiwan University
Bing-Yu Chen, National Taiwan University